Discover the beauty of San Pedro de Atacama in the most arid desert in the world. It is an unforgettable experience; however, to discover the thousand-year-old mysteries that surround this culture, it is without any doubt, the greatest secret that this land hides. What better way to learn about the Atacama lifestyle in depth, than to take a series of tours that combine the wonders of the desert and the direct contact with its original cultures.
The Tourism Association of Ecored Lickan Antay in San Pedro de Atacama was created to be able to represent a group of indigenous Atacama families, from San Pedro de Atacama who opens the doors of their mud and straw built houses with ancestral designed roof to share their way of life. They offer accommodation services, food, local products and a wide variety of tourist activities in San Pedro de Atacama.
The day’s activities begin with the Communal Trail, an activity that invites you to share the commoners from San Pedro de Atacama daily life concerning their traditional activities such as the production of Pataska grain, ChaƱar and Carob tree syrup and llama breeding. Later followed by lunch at the country restaurant, near San Pedro de Atacama, “Coyo Trails.” In the evening, the Ancestral Caravan is a must; a llama-led hike on ancestral routes to see the spectacular sunset that dyes the Andean sky red from San Pedro de Atacama.
At night and while you wait for a tasty llama BBQ, you can enjoy an Andean Astronomy session, where the stars from San Pedro de Atacama are contemplated and their relationship with the daily life of the Atacaman people is explained.
This is your opportunity to do Fair Tourism, in San Pedro de Atacama with the indigenous local community, where it supports and strengthens our activity, generating the possibility that the natives from San Pedro de Atacama will not have to immigrate to the city and that they keep on generating their in San Pedro de Atacama culture in the most arid desert of the world.
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